The disk space function displays the full volume of info that you can have on a shared website hosting server at one time. With a desktop computer, for instance, this would be the capacity of one hard disk or the overall volume of all the hard drives in case that your PC has more than just a single one. The same way that the space on a personal computer is shared between installed computer programs, docs, music and so on, the server hdd space is usually shared between internet site files, databases and emails. Every single file, folder and email message requires some space on the server, therefore you should consider a lot of factors, not just the size of the files that you will upload. For instance, receiving sizable e-mail attachments or using a script-driven website in which the user-generated info is located in a database may also affect the hdd space you use.
Disk Space in Shared Website Hosting
With the help of our shared website hosting packages, you'll never worry about hdd storage. While most suppliers make accounts using just a single server and at some time all the server hdd space will be in use, we've implemented a cloud web hosting system in which the files, e-mails and databases are taken care of by different clusters of servers. Thus, every single machine functions better since only one type of processes is working on it, plus the disk space is practically unrestricted because we will always add additional servers or hard drives to the cluster, depending on whether we need extra processing power or extra storage space. You will not ever come across a situation when you are not able to upload more files since there is no free disk space on the server, which is an issue you may experience with many other suppliers. If you use our hosting services, you can be sure that shortage of space won't be a holdback for the growth of your web sites.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers
With our semi-dedicated server packages, the hard disk space characteristic is not limited, so that you will be able to focus on building your web sites the way you like and never worry about reaching some restriction. Unlike a variety of hosting suppliers that generate accounts using one server, we take advantage of an in-house built cloud platform, which allows us to offer truly limitless hdd storage for each and every account. With just a single machine, there's a limited number of hard disk drives that can be used, not mentioning that the most popular hosting Control Panels weren't designed to function with numerous servers concurrently. Our system, however, features clusters of servers for the site emails, databases and files, and our in-house Hepsia Control Panel was made to work with it. We'll connect as many servers to each of the clusters as required at any given time, so that the hdd space is practically limitless.
Disk Space in VPS Servers
Our VPS servers contain a huge amount of hard disk storage so as to fulfill all of your requirements and not limit the growth of your web sites. Certainly, if you'd like to run just a single resource-hungry website or a number of smaller websites, you'll require extra power altogether, so the greater the VPS plan, the more hdd storage you get. Moving between the packages is very easy and the additional storage space will be included in your current account without transferring any content or stopping/restarting your server, so if you hit the space restriction of your present plan, you will be able to upgrade with just a few clicks in your billing panel. Since we provide you with several web hosting Control Panels with our virtual private servers, you'll have two options for your disk space management - using Hepsia, all the websites will share the whole server storage space, while with DirectAdmin and cPanel you are able to set up separate accounts for your domains and create an allowance for every account.
Disk Space in Dedicated Servers
All of our Linux dedicated web hosting plans have several hard disks in order to suit the computing power that you will get, so that you will never need to be concerned for running out of hard disk storage. The drives can function in RAID, i.e. one drive can be used as a copy of another one to make sure that your data will always be protected, or you can use it individually for even bigger total storage capacity. Many hundreds of gigabytes of disk storage space will be at your disposal at all times, so you will be able to run large websites, upload enormous files and keep a copy of your own archive. Considering the fact that a dedicated server is definitely the most powerful kind of hosting, you will be able to upload/download files with very fast speeds. If necessary, we also provide the option to add more hard drives and make use of even additional storage for your content. We offer three hosting Control Panels with the dedicated servers - when you use Hepsia, all of your domains will share the total server space and will be operated in a single place, while with DirectAdmin and cPanel you will have the possibility to generate distinct hosting accounts with certain disk space allocations for every domain name hosted on your server.