Web Marketing Instruments
Integrated Web Marketing Instruments for taking your site to the next level

We’ve built in a couple of Web Marketing Instruments within your Online Control Panel that may help you effectively market your websites online. Mhsouq Domain Hosting’s sitemap generation tool will let you get a detailed sitemap of your website. Furthermore, you’ll be able to upload that sitemap to search engines to list your website. The RSS News tool will let you generate unique content material on your home page so you could get greater possibilities to move high in search engine listings. Moreover, we have designed a GeoIP re–direction tool that will assist you to approach your clients a lot more accurately in accordance with their physical area.
A Sitemap Generator
Obtain a sitemap with all of your webpages in an instant
The best method to get your newly released web site indexed in the major search engines is to post a sitemap. The sitemap offers all of the webpages on your site and by submitting it to a particular search engine, you tell it that you’ll want those pages to get indexed as soon as possible. Sitemaps are generally made by 3rd party tools. However, with us, it’s not necessary to move from your Online Control Panel. Our inhouse developed Sitemap Generator is included into the Advanced Resources area and will set up a sitemap on your behalf in a click of the mouse.
All you have to do is opt for the highest amount of pages you wish to be indexed, the range of the scanned URLs and the extension of the sitemap data file.
GeoIP Redirection
Simple and easy location–driven re–direction
We offer a hassle–free instrument, which will allow you to sort the visitors of your website in accordance with their location. For example, with the GeoIP re–direction tool, you can quickly direct all the site visitors from Spain towards the Spanish variant of your web site if you have such. This will help you focus on your web visitors a lot more precisely and provide them with the on–site experience they are expecting.
No particular capabilities or tech know–how are necessary to make use of the GeoIP re–direction tool, and you will no longer need to use .htaccess files to do the job.
RSS News
Present the latest publications on your website
In the Mhsouq Domain Hosting Online Control Panel, we have incorporated an instrument, which enables you to embed news from the most well–known information channels worldwide in your sites, with just a mouse click. Our News Syndication application works automatically and will not demand any extra setup work from you,
The RSS News component is easy to customize in terms of HTML and CSS. You are able to change the amount of news items that will be displayed, exactly how they will look like, precisely how they will be ordered, etc.