Nowadays, almost all completely new computer systems contain SSD drives in place of HDD drives. You’ll find superlatives on them all over the professional press – that they’re faster and function better and that they are really the future of home pc and laptop computer generation.

Nonetheless, how can SSDs perform within the web hosting world? Could they be reliable enough to replace the tested HDDs? At Mhsouq Domain Hosting, we will assist you far better comprehend the differences between an SSD as well as an HDD and choose the one that most accurately fits you needs.

1. Access Time


Due to a radical new solution to disk drive general performance, SSD drives enable for considerably quicker file accessibility speeds. Having an SSD, file access instances tend to be lower (as low as 0.1 millisecond).


HDD drives even now makes use of the same basic file access concept that was initially developed in the 1950s. Although it was considerably improved after that, it’s sluggish when compared to what SSDs are providing. HDD drives’ data file access rate varies somewhere between 5 and 8 milliseconds.

2. Random I/O Performance


On account of the new radical data file storage solution incorporated by SSDs, they have swifter file access speeds and speedier random I/O performance.

In the course of our lab tests, all SSDs showed their capacity to deal with no less than 6000 IO’s per second.


All through the very same trials, the HDD drives turned out to be considerably slower, with 400 IO operations addressed per second. Even though this seems to be a good deal, for people with a hectic web server that hosts loads of well known websites, a sluggish hard drive may result in slow–loading sites.

3. Reliability


SSD drives don’t have any kind of moving parts, which means that there is far less machinery in them. And the less physically moving elements you can find, the lower the prospect of failure will be.

The standard rate of failing of any SSD drive is 0.5%.


HDD drives make use of rotating hard disks for saving and reading files – a technology going back to the 1950s. And with hard disks magnetically suspended in the air, spinning at 7200 rpm, the possibilities of anything going wrong are usually bigger.

The normal rate of failure of HDD drives varies amongst 2% and 5%.

4. Energy Conservation


SSD drives function practically silently; they don’t create extra heat; they don’t demand supplemental cooling solutions as well as consume far less energy.

Trials have demostrated that the common electric power utilization of an SSD drive is between 2 and 5 watts.


HDD drives can be known for becoming loud; they can be more prone to getting too hot and whenever there are several hard drives in one server, you’ll want an additional cooling unit just for them.

In general, HDDs take in in between 6 and 15 watts.

5. CPU Power


Thanks to SSD drives’ greater I/O performance, the main web server CPU can work with file requests more rapidly and preserve time for additional operations.

The standard I/O wait for SSD drives is just 1%.


HDD drives allow for sluggish access speeds in comparison with SSDs do, resulting in the CPU required to hang around, whilst arranging allocations for the HDD to find and give back the demanded file.

The typical I/O delay for HDD drives is approximately 7%.

6.Input/Output Request Times


It’s time for a few real–world cases. We ran a complete system backup on a server only using SSDs for file storage reasons. In that process, the normal service time for an I/O call stayed beneath 20 ms.


Sticking with the same server, but this time equipped with HDDs, the results were totally different. The average service time for any I/O request fluctuated somewhere between 400 and 500 ms.

7. Backup Rates


A different real–life improvement will be the speed at which the data backup was created. With SSDs, a hosting server backup now requires under 6 hours implementing our server–designed software.


We employed HDDs mainly for a couple of years and we have very good comprehension of exactly how an HDD functions. Backing up a hosting server furnished with HDD drives is going to take around 20 to 24 hours.

Our VPS servers and our regular shared website hosting accounts include SSD drives automatically. Be a part of our Mhsouq Domain Hosting family, and find out the way we can help you transform your web site.

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