Relocate to a semi–dedicated hosting alternative with merely a click at a fantastic rate. Control your web server by way of an easy–to–navigate Control Panel interface. Host infinite domain names and databases. Apply up to 1 CPU core. A 99.9% server uptime is assured. There aren’t any configuration costs at all.
Fast Package
Unlimited Disk Space Unlimited Monthly Traffic Unlimited Hosted Domain(s) 1 CPU Core(s) Unlimited MySQL Storage Unlimited E-mail Accounts Unlimited MySQL Databases 1 IP Address - » All features
.ACADEMY only $40.49/yr VPN Access (5 GB) App Installer Site Installer Website Builder Website Themes Sitemap Generator Website Migration Shared SSL IPs
Fast hosting at
$20.00/mo.Take a look at our hosting platform with a 30 day completely free trial. No credit card info necessary.
Web Stats
Online Control Panel–integrated website stats
From the Free Web Apps, you can both deal with and closely monitor your web sites. Each Linux semi-dedicated server includes a pair of web statistics tools. You could see them in the Stats Manager area of the Online Control Panel. You may use the widespread AWStats and Webalizer applications or make use of our freshly engineered, all–inclusive statistics software tool, that offers a convenient web analytics user interface. With Mhsouq Domain Hosting, you are able to find in–depth data related to your webpage’s views and readers straight in your Online Control Panel.
Web App Installer
More than 40 free applications to choose from
The installation of a web application in general is a long and challenging job. Except for, when you have an Free Web Apps with over 40 easily accessible web apps, which you could put into use with a click of the mouse. We have made the setup as straight forward as we possibly could, so you not anymore are required to dedicate your time pondering the way to arrange your scripts. We will as well always keep your account details in the Free Web Apps in the event you forget your details.
24x7 Support
Ask us everything. We are here for you round the clock.
Waiting around for a long time to receive a reply from the assistance staff may be quite irritating, regardless how trivial the issue is. That is why, right here, at Mhsouq Domain Hosting, we give a 1–hour result time period assurance, and our technicians typically answer back in under 20 minutes by way of the ticket system incorporated into the Free Web Apps. They’re readily available for you 24/7/365.
File Manager
Drag–and–drop file uploads and more
Using the drag–n–drop data file upload functionality part of the Free Web Apps, you can easily forget FTP software. Simply move a data file in the group of the data files available for your website and the Mhsouq Domain Hosting Online Control Panel will submit it there. In case you submit an archive, you will be able to extract it with a click. The right–click context selection in the File Manager will help you to feel like you’re working with your desktop. You can easily start off doing work on your site as soon as you join.
Domain Manager
Manage all of your website names from 1 place
You are able to easily take over your website names employing the Free Web Apps –built–in Domain Name Manager. With only a click, you are able to lock/unlock a website, change NS settings, create custom DNS records, forward a website, park unlimited domain names and much more. At the same time, you can easily register or move numerous domains, mask your personal WHOIS info or protect your online store with an SSL accreditation.
Data Backups
Your sites are completely backed–up with us
We backup your site content routinely, so that you under no circumstances run the risk of losing out on your data files, software applications, databases and emails caused by hacker attacks or accidental content and articles removal from you. What’s even more, from the File Manager section of the Free Web Apps, you can create manually operated backups of your site content anytime you choose. Merely point and archive the folder(s) that you like to back–up and our system will save it for you in the area you have picked.
Online Control Panel
Website managing made quick and undemanding
Our point & click Free Web Apps simplifies website control and positions it at your fingertips. You can transfer data with quick drag’n’drop actions, manage all the settings of your domains and websites from just a single location, register and transfer a number of domains, create and manage numerous mailboxes, kickstart mailing list activities, create MySQL databases, request SSL Certificates to give protection to all of your clients, and so on. Extensive information will update you on all visits and activities on your sites.
Free Templates
Well over 100 free WordPress and Joomla™ themes to choose from
You can quickly save a Wordpress or Joomla™ design with simply a mouse–click from your Free Web Apps. There is no need to go to third party websites for awesome designs. We have an abundant assortment for you conveniently included in your website hosting account. All you need to do is select the template that you prefer and press the Download button. All designs are fully free of cost for you.
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Service guarantees
- Each of our Linux semi-dedicated servers will be configured for you at absolutely no cost. 99.9% service uptime. SSH access rights.
Compare our prices
- Preview the resources and features made available from our Linux semi-dedicated servers. Begin with a cheaper server configuration and move up with only a click when your online presence grows.
- Compare Semi-dedicated servers
Contact Us
- Get in touch with us whenever you want by email or by using our ultra–fast ticketing platform. We’ll react in up to 1 hour.