Service Uptime Guarantee
Understand what a service uptime guarantee involves and also how you can make use of it.
Commonly clients check the features they are going to get with a specific shared website hosting plan and forget something just as essential - the service uptime. As efficient as a plan can be, frequent downtimes may lead to lower search engine ranking positions and lost clients regardless of what the reason for them might be. After all, not many people would come back to a site that is not available 50 % of the time, not mentioning the lost funds assuming you have invested in an advertising and marketing campaign. This is why, if you acquire a new web hosting package, you should ensure that the service will be stable and your Internet sites will be online constantly. This means a boost in traffic, or in case that you have got an online store, for instance, greater uptime would mean more satisfied customers.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Shared Website Hosting
shared website hosting plans come with a 99.9% service uptime guarantee. We can easily reach that goal by using an innovative cloud hosting platform in which each service (files, e-mail messages, databases, and so on.) has its own cluster of machines. We do not run everything on just a single web server as most companies do, so we have pretty much eliminated the downtime of any service and even in peak times we can balance the load between machines for the best possible performance of your websites. If one web server fails, the other ones inside the cluster will take over in order to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the sites. To prevent infrastructural challenges, our hosting server facilities use powerful diesel backup generators as well as several independent Internet providers as to ensure that visitors will be able to reach your sites no matter what. We also have a team of skilled professionals keeping track of the servers 24/7/365.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers
semi-dedicated server solutions come with a 99.9% uptime warranty. In fact, you'll not detect any downtime or service disturbances at all due to the fact that we use a groundbreaking cloud platform and rather than handling everything on one server as most companies do, we have separate clusters of web servers that control every service - files, e-mail messages, CP, databases, etcetera. We have a custom made load-balancing system, so our web hosting service is way more stable than what you would usually find available on the market. To make sure that nothing will disturb the work of your Internet sites, our web server facilities have diesel powered backup generators and a number of different Internet providers. We also have software and hardware firewalls to stop DDoS attacks and administrators overseeing the servers 24/7 to sort out any software issue that may appear.
Service Uptime Guarantee in VPS Servers
With a
VPS server from our company, you will never need to bother about the uptime and / or accessibility of your account. Our state-of-the-art data centers have various power supplies, diesel generators and a number of independent Internet providers as a way to ensure that the servers are available in case of any infrastructural malfunction. In addition, we guarantee that the physical web server in which your virtual one will be created is going to be functioning no less than 99.9% of the time and a crew of competent administrators that keep an eye on all the machines 24/7/365 will ensure we keep our promise. All servers employ new, thoroughly tested parts to prevent hardware failures and the hard disks work in RAID. We also have software and hardware firewalls to prevent DDoS attacks against the servers.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Servers
While we can't control what you do with your
dedicated server, the types of offline software and / or script-driven applications you install on it or when you restart it, we can ensure that it’s accessible at least 99.9% of the time. Your machine is going to be positioned in our state-of-the-art facility in the central district of Chicago and its uptime and accessibility is going to be guaranteed by powerful diesel backup generators and redundant Internet providers, so no blackouts or other infrastructural difficulties shall affect the proper functioning of your web sites at any time. Our qualified crew of system administrators will make sure that if your server stops for some reason, it's going to be rebooted right away. To avoid any probability of malfunctions, we are going to give you a server with new and carefully tested hardware components to make certain that your websites are operational no matter what.