You can make use of multiple FTP accounts to manage your content if you have several Internet sites in the very same hosting account. You can give different persons access only to particular folders, for instance – web developers or IT specialists from the company, and rest assured that they won’t be able to access any other directories or anything else within the website hosting account, as the FTP accounts have limited access. Plus, you can set up and manage several different websites at the same time using a web design app such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver (since these applications make use of FTP to connect to the server) and upload the site files both when you create them and when you edit them. A key part of doing these things is the option to create and administer your FTP accounts swiftly and effortlessly.
FTP Manager in Shared Website Hosting
Our custom-built Hepsia Control Panel, which is included with every shared website hosting package, will give you access to different controls to manage your FTP accounts seamlessly through the FTP Manager section. When you want to create a brand-new account, to alter the password for an existing one or remove it entirely, it will not take more than a click. As opposed to other Control Panels where you have to create a new account in case you want to obtain access to another directory, our FTP Manager will allow you to modify the access path associated with an existing FTP account very easily and you’ll be able to view the access paths for all the FTP accounts as soon as you access Hepsia’s FTP Manager section. For convenience’s sake, you can set up an FTP account on your PC by downloading and installing an auto-config file for various clients – FileZilla, CyberDuck, Core FTP. You can also sort the accounts in descending or ascending order based on their usernames or access paths and locate the one that you want faster and easier.
FTP Manager in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our semi-dedicated server accounts are administered through the easy-to-navigate, custom Hepsia hosting Control Panel. One of its sections – the FTP Manager, is dedicated to administering your FTP accounts and anything related to them, so you will be able to manage all the accounts swiftly and effortlessly. It will take one single click of the mouse to create a brand-new FTP account, to delete an active one or simply to edit its password. You can also view the full list of all your FTP accounts in this section of the Control Panel and, for convenience’s sake, you can arrange them in alphabetical order – descending or ascending, either by their access path or by username. Changing the path for a certain account is also extremely easy – you will simply have to click on it and pick the new directory in the pop-up that will appear, so you will not need to set up a whole new FTP account in case you simply want to specify what files an existing one can access. You can also take advantage of auto-configuration files for famous FTP clients such as FileZilla and Core FTP.