With an .htaccess file, you can determine how the server which deals with the requests to your websites must act in a variety of occasions. This is a text file with directives that are carried out when an individual tries to open your site and what happens next depends on the content of the file. As an example, you may block a particular IP address from opening the site, which means that the server will decline the visitor’s request, or you can redirect your domain name to some other URL, so the server may direct the visitor to the new web address. You can also use tailor-made error pages or preserve any part of your website with a password, if you place an .htaccess file inside the correct folder. Many popular script-driven applications, including WordPress, Joomla and Drupal, use an .htaccess file to work efficiently.
.htaccess Generator in Shared Website Hosting
We have a time and effort saving .htaccess generator tool which will allow you to set up and use this kind of files without any trouble even if you have no previous experience and you do not know the syntax of the specific directives for this sort of a file. The tool is part of the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with our shared website hosting and any option in it may be activated by picking acheckbox and eventually by typing a username or a URL, based on what exactly you want to do with the .htaccess file. You may also choose where the file should be created, so you won't have to do anything by hand after or before that. Using an .htaccess file, you will also be able to pick the PHP version that'll be enabled for a specific domain, even if it is not the same version as the one for the entire account.
.htaccess Generator in Semi-dedicated Servers
All our Linux semi-dedicated servers include the sophisticated, albeit easy-to-use Hepsia Control Panel, that includes our .htaccess generator tool. It'll allow you to create a system file inside any folder that you choose with a couple of mouse clicks. Even if you're not tech-savvy, you may take advantage of all the functions an .htaccess file provides as our tool is very intuitive to use. You will find a list of all the options which you can enable and there will be a checkbox next to each of them. Just choose the options which you want to enable and eventually type a URL - if you're using the .htaccess file to redirect one URL to another or to set customized error pages. You shall not have to type any code at any time. If needed, you can use an .htaccess file to employ different versions of PHP for your sites, since many versions are available simultaneously on our website hosting platform.