A ticketing system is the most widely used correspondence channel that hosting providers offer to their clients. It is typically part of the billing account and is the fastest way to solve a problem that takes a certain amount of time to examine or that needs to be escalated to a server admin. Thus, all comments provided by either side will be stored in the very same location in the event that somebody else wants to work on the given problem and the info in the ticket will be available to all parties. The negative side of deploying a ticketing system with most web hosting platforms is that it’s not part of the hosting Control Panel, so you’ll have to sign in and out of no less than two accounts in order to execute a particular procedure or to contact the hosting company’s support staff. In case you would like to administer a couple of domain names and each one of them is hosted in a separate account, you’ll need to use even more accounts simultaneously. Besides, it could take a substantial length of time for the provider to answer your ticket.
Integrated Ticketing System in Shared Website Hosting
The ticketing system that we use for our shared website hosting isn’t separate from the hosting account. It’s an integral part of our all-encompassing Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you’ll be able to access it at any given moment with just a couple of clicks, without needing to leave your hosting account. The ticketing system features a quick-search field, which will help you find any trouble ticket that you’ve submitted in the past, if necessary. Also, you can read knowledge base articles that belong to various problem categories, which you can choose, so you can find out how to deal with a given issue even before you send a ticket. The ticket response time is maximum 1 hour, which goes to say that you can receive quick assistance at any specific time and if our help desk support staff recommends that you do something within your account, you can do it straight away without the need to log out of the Control Panel.
Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Servers
In case you’ve opened a semi-dedicated server account with our company and you would like to get in touch with our tech support staff, you will be able to submit a support ticket directly from your Hepsia Control Panel instead of using a totally different help desk support platform as you’ll have to do with the majority of hosting providers on the marketplace. Our integrated ticketing system will permit you to send a new ticket easily and to go through older tickets using a clever search filter. Moreover, you will be able to browse the applicable knowledgebase articles that our system will offer you in accordance with the problem category that you select for your new ticket. You can perform all the above-mentioned activities without logging out of your Control Panel at any time, which implies that if you run into any predicament or have an enquiry, you can get in touch with our technicians and resolve the given problem in less than one hour through one platform.