How quickly a website will open is dependent not just on the Internet connection of the website visitor, but also on the connectivity of the hosting server where the site is hosted and on the network infrastructure - routers, server network card, and so on. Slow connection or hardware which cannot handle a high volume of incoming and outgoing traffic can have strong impact on the user experience of your customers and the efficiency of your website due to the fact that people shall probably see error messages that the internet site isn't available or it shall take some time for your content material to load. In case this sort of a thing happens, it is not likely that the guests shall return to the website. For this reason you have to always examine the connectivity of any server that you buy and not just the main hardware components such as hard disk, processor and physical memory.
Server Network Hardware in Dedicated Servers
The Linux dedicated web hosting plans we provide include gigabit network cards that are tested along with all other hardware components before and after any new machine is put together in order to ensure that we will not use a faulty part that could cause an issue at some point. We also employ the most up-to-date hardware for our internal network inside the Chicago data center where we offer the dedicated plans. That includes routers, switches and hardware firewalls that can easily cope with enormous incoming and outgoing traffic to any server, while any traffic that isn't legitimate will be filtered and won't consume your system resources. The constant access to the center is made certain by using redundant backbone Internet providers. This way we guarantee the fast and secure connection to all our servers, which means your websites and apps shall be working at top speed all of the time.